So we've been married for 1 whole year! I can't believe it! it has absolutely flown in but I've loved every minute of it! 24th June 2006 was really and truly the best day of our lives-we would so love to do it again! but the past year has been wonderful-I am very strongly pro-marriage! I recommend it highly!! Waking up beside the person you love everyday, saying goodnight to them eveynight and living life side by side is wonderful! Johnny and I often note how blessed we are to have found each other so young and we feel very strongly that it was completely a God thing. I was a young and impresssionable 5th year at Banbridge Academy and Johnny was a very popular womanising u6th year when he asked me out on my first ever night at the 'belhole!' We are still shocked at the fact I said yes and that he asked!! but we can see God's hand in it all as only 4 weeks after that, Johnny came with me to an SU evanglesim night and re-dedicated his life to God. It was meant to be!!
The year has been the best and I so look forward to the next however many years together as we do the seemingly impossible thing of growing closer to each other, learning more about each other and also the not so impossible growing closer to and learning more about God together.
I hope u had a really amazing anniversary! See u soon x
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